The Republican Party of Texas had voted the 48-page report based on their platform, one of them was about repealing the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution and the abolition of the Department of Education.

I am not going to discuss all the details about the 48-page report, but I will discuss about the Texas Republican Party’s plan to repeal the 17th Amendment.

The Seventeenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was based on the people would vote for a people who would lead and to represent in the United States House or the United States Senate, which the state legislatures had no authority to choose a politician.

One of the founding fathers, James Wilson (who died in 1798), had advocated for popular elections which allowed the politician would win by popular vote instead to be chosen by the state legislature. It was not until April 8, 1913, when the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified; at the time, Woodrow Wilson became president one month before and James Wilson had already died in 1798.

Sadly, the MAGA wing of the Republican Party wanted to repeal the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution and wanted restrictions on in-person voting. I find that both disappointing and appalling because the 17th Amendment is one of the most important steps of the democratic process on voting rights.

I condemned the decision of the Texas Republican Party on repealing the 17th Amendment because this important amendment cannot be repealed by respecting the will of the people on voting rights. These politicians were supportive of this are Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the same man who said in 2020 that senior citizens should sacrifice themselves to save the economy. I would ask Lt. Gov. Patrick what senior citizens have anything to do with the economy; the answer is nothing, simply hypocrisy.

I am a staunch supporter of the United States Constitution, and I am a Democratic voter, but I am also a Lincoln Democrat, although President Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican Party in 1854, which led its predecessor, the Whig Party, to dissolve two years later in 1856.

The United States Constitution is a sacred document that has guided the nation for more than 200 years, and the Constitution establishes the framework for the federal government by representing the will of the people, and to defend not only the people of the United States, but also defending the Constitution against all enemies, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

The 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution is also a crucial point of the democratic process by shaping the history of the voting rights in the United States, such as the 1965 Voting Rights Act. If — God forbid — the 17th Amendment gets repealed, the voting process would be sent back to the state legislatures. The 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution is especially important for voting rights because it allows the people to choose their leaders who can lead and to represent in any public offices, both state and federal.

I also believe that the Democratic Party would create a new platform to revive the continuous legacy of President Abraham Lincoln, although, as I said before, that he founded the Republican Party.

For example: to end elder abuse as a constitutional amendment (which I advocated to end elder abuse), defend the Department of Education, support the veterans, and the defense of Social Security for senior citizens.

I had thought about running for office for the 2026 United States Senate elections, but it is uncertain at this time.

If Governor Roy Cooper decides not to run for the Senate, I plan to run as a centrist Democrat and if elected, I would serve only one term. I praise Governor Cooper for his eight years of service as Governor of North Carolina, such as his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, if Governor Cooper decides to run, I would not run for any public office. I hope that elder abuse abolition and protecting voting rights should be an issue for any elections.

Although, while I may not agree with Republicans on several issues, I believe that bipartisanship and unity will continue to survive in the United States Congress by defending the principles of the United States Constitution and its Amendments.

“We the People” means every people of the American republic, especially for immigrants, who came to seek a better life.