Hello Robeson County.

It’s your local youth services librarian here to tell you all about some of the wonderful things happening at your local library.

First, let me offer my congratulations to all of our 2024 graduates, whether that is high school, middle school, elementary, or even kindergarten. You’ve all done some amazing and hard work, you should be very proud of yourselves.

We hope that we have been able to help you along the way.

But the end of the school year doesn’t mean we can just stop reading until August right? Of course not. But how to keep ourselves reading while thoughts of vacation fill the mind? Well…

I am happy to announce that our Summer Reading program is returning this year and as always we have a fantastic amount of fun planned for everyone.

This year summer reading is all about adventure. We can’t wait to explore this wonderful theme with all of you and enjoy all of the fun programs we have planned. Join us starting June 10th for a summer of exploration and adventure through the world of books.

We’ll raid hidden temples, buckle swashes, and rocket to space. We’ll imagine ourselves camping, exploring the wilderness, and traveling the world. Plus so much more. And that’s just for the kids. Teens will explore new hobbies, learn some classic summer crafts, and try their hands at some adventurous challenges. Plus try to survive the Oregon Trail.

Don’t imagine we’ve forgotten the adults. Summer reading is for all ages, and we have some great things lined up for adults as well. Art and trivia contests, adventure themed crafts, recipe exchanges, and a family STEM challenge led by the planetarium. Not to mention a weekly movie night that’s perfect for the whole family.

Don’t forget to join the reading challenge as well for the opportunity to win prizes. Just for reading. Plus, completing the challenge means entry into a raffle for even more adventure themed goodies. “Adventure Begins at your Library,” and we couldn’t be more excited to explore with all of our friends.

But wait, I also want to brag about all of our wonderful “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” participants. These fantastic kiddos have read nearly 10,000 books over the last year and we’ve had several finishers from all over the county. It has been astounding to watch all of these little minds grow.

Reading with your young ones early and often is a major contributor to success in school and a great bonding activity, plus, a trip to the treasure box for every hundred books. Participation is completely free and open to any child who has not yet started kindergarten. Sign up at any of our branches and watch your little one’s mind blossom.

If any of that sounds like fun, and honestly how could it not, then stop by our website, social media, or visit us in person to find out more.

Stop by soon, stop by often, we can’t wait to see all of you and share the fun and all of our fabulous books.

Hugh Alderson is the Youth Services Librarian with the Robeson County Library. Contact him by email at [email protected].