Some people are very competitive by nature, I am one of those people and I come by it honestly.

My dad and my grandfather were uber competitive. They played multiple sports and Grandpa even played some semi-professional baseball. We Bredigers are competitive about EVERYTHING. I can remember holidays playing the family favorite card game Euchre turning into grudge matches! I competed in sports through high school and college and now still compete in church softball, road races and CrossFit.

Putting yourself in competitive situations is great when it comes to fitness endeavors. Competing against others or even yourself and your past performances can motivate you to better fitness.

There are tons of reasons why competitive sports and fitness activities are beneficial for children but what about for us big kids? Let’s look at the benefits of training for and entering a fitness competition:

— Healthy habits: When training for a fitness competition, you will eat better, sleep more, drink more water and, well, exercise regularly. Once you get into the routine, getting ready for a contest will make it easier to carry these habits throughout the year.

— Self-discipline: When you train for a competition, chances are you need to make more time in your daily schedule. For most of us, that may mean getting up early to train. Keeping a schedule, skipping the pie for dessert or the adult beverage to keep your body ready are all good ways to develop self- discipline.

— Stretch your comfort zone: Putting yourself out there in a fitness competition can be scary but the benefit is tremendous. Once you hear your friends and family cheering you on, meet other folks who are also there for the first time and bond with them, you will feel part of something special .

— Knowledge building: By training for any fitness competition, you will gain tons of new knowledge. You will find yourself researching training ideas, diets, supplements and even the best equipment and clothing for your chose activity.

— Confidence: As you train, you will get stronger, more fit and feel more and more ready to compete. Once you enter one competition, I guarantee you will catch the bug and sign up for more.

So there you have it.

What are you waiting for? Find an event to train for at least three months out and start training. You might win a trophy, ribbon, a little cash or nothing at all, but the sense of accomplishment when all your hard work pays off will be the best reward of all.

Kathy Hansen has more than 30 years of experience in the health and fitness field. She can be reached via e-mail at [email protected]